Wednesday, April 21, 2010

feel good inc.

This morning I was getting ready to leave for the gym, downing some Cream of Wheat (the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast) when Sarah called me back to the bedroom and pretty much dictated the tone of how this blog update would be, and as her husband it would be within my best interest to listen to her. She's the boss after all.

She wanted to use this update as a means of thanks to everyone who has donated to our Ride for Roswell team. So far, Beanz Brigade has raised $1,325 towards cancer research. That's huge. So, to all those who have donated so far, thank you. I never visioned raising that much money so quickly as a team, it's been overwhelming to say the least. We'd also like to thank all the folks who have signed up to ride with the team, we're 11 members strong (and hopefully that number will DOUBLE come June 26th).

You all have no idea how much this means to Sarah. To see so much support attached to something with her really lifts her spirits. This morning, she looked at me and said: "You're doing a great job...the whole team is." We can't stress enough how impressed we are with the turnout so far, it's been amazing.

Supporting cancer research has always been an important cause for both Sarah and myself. Sarah's father, lost his battle with cancer in 1998. My grandfather battled cancer for years. Many of us have had our lives impacted by cancer. And I think that's why the support has been so huge for our team. Not only is Sarah a gentle, sweet girl who everybody loves...but cancer is a dreadful disease that has affected the lives of so many people. The statistics are staggering:
one out of two men and one in three women in America will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

This is the part where I get in a shameless plug to get donations:

Follow that link, click the flashing: DONATE TO MY RIDE button. It's simple and it's for a great cause.

This is my third year doing the Ride for Roswell. I love it. I love riding my bike. I love being part of something that goes to a greater good, but to be completely honest with great would it be to live in a world without cancer? That's a question I pose to myself daily.

To all the donors, riders and supporters of the BEANZ BRIGADE...


Saturday, April 3, 2010

for my beans...

Today is Sarah's birthday, she's 30. That's a pretty big one. Most people faced with her situation would see this milestone as bittersweet. They'd let the news of cancer ruin them. They'd sulk. They'd hide. They'd whine. I know that's what I'd do for one. But not Sarah...she's better than that. Last night she told me as she has many times over the past few months: "This will not bring me down," I believe her and anyone who knows her well enough can say the same thing.

And that's what I love about Sarah. I consider myself lucky and blessed to be able to wake up each day with such an amazing person. Sarah has been so brave in the face of such a huge obstacle, I use her attitude of "be relentless" in my every day life. The fact that's she's turned such a negative into something she can use to spread positivity speaks volumes of what type of person she is.

If the past few months have taught me anything it's to expect the unexpected, as cliché as that is. I can safely say that last year I did not see us being in the position we're in now. Hell, I didn't see us in the position when the year started. It was all so sudden. When you find out someone you love has cancer, your world just stops for a bit. Things change, what seemed to matter so much, doesn't seem to even matter.

Yet, you learn to deal with it. And suddenly, it's not the obstacle defining you, but it's how you handle that obstacle that defines you. And that's what she means when she says: "be relentless." To borrow a line from the movie "The Breakfast Club," in the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions, being relentless is facing up to what challenges come along. It's more than just a two word motto. It's a means to inspire, not just herself or people around her, but to inspire others. To inspire others who face the same challenge or any challenge for that matter.

So, while it's not the 30th birthday she or I envisioned, it will be a special one nonetheless. And her next birthday she'll be cancer free.