Thursday, December 23, 2010

So THIS is Christmas.

So here we are, approaching the one year mark where everything changed for us. One year, man -- it seems it went by so fast -- so much has changed. Truth be told, so much has happened over the past 11 months that I can't remember much of what happened in 2009. My brain became completely focused on everything that happened in 2010.

I've had a lot to reflect on over these past few months. We've faced challenges that we never thought we'd have to face: cancer, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, countless doctors visits and a hospital stay that lasted way longer than it should have. Yes, it has indeed been the year from hell, but through it all Sarah has remained steadfast to beating this thing and true to her motto of: be relentless. And be relentless she has been, the fighter within her can rival that of any boxer, soldier or samurai warrior.

Sarah tells me almost daily that I am her rock, her pillar of strength. But it's really her that is my pillar of strength. Without her, I am nothing. She is by far the strongest person I have ever met and I'm thankful that she is my wife. Never once has she faltered from her determination to beat this.

This is for obvious reasons a very unique Christmas for us. No, it's not the one we planned on at the start of the year, then again you can never predict the future. Last Christmas we were just two young at heart, carefree "kids" (I say kids because we aren't old yet). I don't even recognize the person I was then. So much about me has changed. I've tackled things no 32 year old should, things I never thought I'd face in my entire lifetime. And I could sit here and complain about it all and bitch about it until I'm blue in the face, but I won't. Don't get me wrong, I'm mad as hell that this disease has touched our lives, but I'm thankful that my wife is a strong, powerful woman...ready to take this on.

Things are getting so much better and have been progressing at such an astounding rate. Sarah is officially off the blood thinners, which means she can have a salad whenever she wants and not have to worry about it screwing up her blood work. Her hair has grown back to the point where her hair is actually longer than mine. And of course, the chemo and radiation have been done for some time now. Yes, 2010 is ending a hell of a lot better than it began. And 2011, that's our year.

Do you hear us, cancer? We're taking 2011! You won't fucking stop us! You won't beat us!


  1. I'm so happy for both of you that you've remained so optimistic throughout the whole ordeal. Says a lot about both of you. Soon you'll be able to put all of this behind you and it'll just be a memory. Have a great holiday and a great new year! 2011 FTW!
    ~Corey Mc

  2. Good on you. Both!
    I thought I had a shite year... you two are an example for all of us!

    I'm not sure if anyone could make it through your year in one piece (physically OR emotionally)!

    2010 can suck it. Bring on 2011!

  3. Forever stronger than all,that's Sarah. Fuck off cancer!
