Thursday, January 28, 2010

Some words of encouragement.

Just wanted to share this awesome text message that Sarah sent to me last night. It's an example of how positive she is in the face of adversity.

"We have so much amazing support from our circle of friends. We are going to beat this and live a more amazing life than ever!!!"

If that doesn't raise your spirits, then I don't know what does. The kid is a prime example of never losing focus. Never losing hope.

Last night she said that she's lucky that she has so much support. She told me "It's times like these that you realize how important and special your friends are." I can't stress enough how much the support means to her.

But even through all this, her focus is not on herself. Instead, she throws her concern to those people without the things that she has. Things like friends and family. Things like health care. She couldn't imagine not having those things and said it tears her up to think that there are people who go without all that.

In light of something like this it could be real easy for her to give up. To sit around and feel sorry for herself. And if she did, I wouldn't blame her. But that's not Sarah's style. She's always positive. And now she's ready for the fight.

Cancer doesn't stand a chance.

Be good today, folks.
Be happy today.
Be positive.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

no one said it was gonna be easy...

I just wanted to take a minute and thank everyone who sent well wishes to my wife & I. Over the past week the groundswell of support has been amazing. I've gotten kind words from all over the globe (as far as Australia...thanks Becks) and believe me, the support has not gone unnoticed. The small things like that are what matters most. These are the things that make the fight easier. For her to know she has so many people pulling for her...well, it means a lot. Small gestures mean so much. Last night we got a HUGE fortune cookie with some inspirational words from our friends Rachel and Mike. Not only was it delicious, but it also reminded us of how lucky we are to know so many awesome and caring people. You all are awesome.

I woke up this morning and saw that I have a bunch of followers. And it all became incredibly clear...I have to continue this. Sarah needs this. I need this. And from the support I've been getting, you-- yes, you there eating Cap'n Crunch at your computer -- you need this. So I shall continually update this. Unlike so many of my other failed blogs, this one has substance.

When I first had the idea to start this blog, I wasn't sure how my wife would react. I could understand if she wanted to keep this matter private. But she sees this as an opportunity. An opportunity for me to express myself as best as I know how. A therapy of sorts. But also as a means of inspiration for those who may be going through a similar situation. We're in this together! We will win!

So thank you. Thank you all.


And now, for some inspiring music from h2o. A favorite of mine & my wife. I think you'll dig it too.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The fight begins.

My name is Bryan and this blog is about my wife, Sarah and her battle with breast cancer.

This blog is to document the struggle that's to come. One that will not be easy, but it's one that we will win. Why? Because, Sarah is a survivor. She' s a strong, no nonsense woman, who doesn't take shit from anybody, let alone some disease. She's tough. A lot tougher than she let's on. She never gives up. Never quits.

This blog is about inspiring others. Supporting those who fight the good fight.

But most of all, this blog is about an amazing woman and a battle that she is about to face.

Sarah was diagnosed one week ago on January 18th. Nothing and I mean nothing prepares you to hear the love of your life say the words: "I have cancer." Nothing. It was like a punch to the throat. Dread set in. She was mad as hell. I was mad as hell. She's 29-years-old. There's no way she should have to go through this. There's no way anyone should have to go through this.

We've had time to digest the news since then. She's set up surgery (February 6th) and made the proper doctors visits.

If there's one thing I've learned about Sarah in the 11 years we've been together is that she's a fighter.

Her motto: "Be relentless." So I felt it was only fitting to name the blog so.

- Bryan