Thursday, January 28, 2010

Some words of encouragement.

Just wanted to share this awesome text message that Sarah sent to me last night. It's an example of how positive she is in the face of adversity.

"We have so much amazing support from our circle of friends. We are going to beat this and live a more amazing life than ever!!!"

If that doesn't raise your spirits, then I don't know what does. The kid is a prime example of never losing focus. Never losing hope.

Last night she said that she's lucky that she has so much support. She told me "It's times like these that you realize how important and special your friends are." I can't stress enough how much the support means to her.

But even through all this, her focus is not on herself. Instead, she throws her concern to those people without the things that she has. Things like friends and family. Things like health care. She couldn't imagine not having those things and said it tears her up to think that there are people who go without all that.

In light of something like this it could be real easy for her to give up. To sit around and feel sorry for herself. And if she did, I wouldn't blame her. But that's not Sarah's style. She's always positive. And now she's ready for the fight.

Cancer doesn't stand a chance.

Be good today, folks.
Be happy today.
Be positive.


  1. heck yes. so proud of her. her drive is inspiring me!! LOOOOOOOOOOTUSSSSSSSS!

  2. hey kids, we might not get a chance to see you that often. living 300 miles away does that to ya. but you're both special to us and always have been. we're looking forward to hanging out with you again OFTEN once we move back and all this nonsense you're going through not is but a distant memory. we've got some catching up to do!

  3. My "mother in law" had breast cancer. It was I believe stage 11b or c. She know is cancer free and fought the battle. I think the most interesting thing she told me is that when she went thru chemo she wasnt tired or worn out. She worked her job still and her job is 8 hours on her feet. Amazing. She seemed to make her own expectations for what chemo would be like, rather than listen to other peoples. She lost her hair but bought all these really cute colored bandanas and co-ordinated them with her clothes. She didnt have health insurance at the time of her diagnosis. She had a masectomy and left her breast as is. She is a courageous women. My friend was also now recently diagnosed she is probably about 50's and hers was caught rather early. She is a fighter and she also is combining natural and alternative treatments with hers. She is doing well. I know its a part of her life that is difficult to deal with. She has an amazing support group though. I think we are all touched by cancer. We all learn to love thru it to. Always in my thoughts...
