Friday, February 12, 2010

Waiting on a sunny day...

"It's rainin' but there ain't a cloud in the sky
Musta been a tear from your eye
Everything'll be okay
Funny thought I felt a sweet summer breeze
Musta been you sighin' so deep
Don't worry we're gonna find a way" - Bruce Springsteen, "Waiting on a Sunny Day"

Last update was downright cheerful. I was glowing when I wrote it. Damn near giddy with excitement over the good news. A bit has changed since then. We've had a few days to digest the news and had our minds put at ease today by the surgeon.

Turns out there was a microscopic cancer cell on one of the extracted lymph nodes. One tiny, rouge cell. No more than a millimeter. One tiny little fucker. Making it Stage IIA cancer. This isn't the worst news. Just a tiny road bump. That won't stop Sarah, nothing will. And I literally mean nothing. The girl is tough as nails, man.

We met with the surgeon today and he set it all straight for us. Treatments will start soon. Radiation and chemotherapy, followed by medication. Good news is that the lumpectomy went well as the cancerous lump was smaller than expected. They even took an area larger than the lump and found the rest of the skin to be healthy.

I've already told Sarah that if the chemotherapy causes her to lose her hair then I'll shave my head. Let's face it, I'll probably go bald soon anyway. I'm 32-years-old. The fact I've kept a full head of hair this long is nothing short of a miracle.

Surgery was just the start of the fight and we're ready for the road ahead. It's going to be tough and it's going to suck like nothing else. But I don't know anyone more ready to go through this. The girl is hands down the most positive person I've ever met. Her spirit is infectious. I've said it a thousand times before; THIS WILL NOT BEAT HER DOWN!

Her motto. Our motto. BE RELENTLESS. A simple statement and words to live by. We think you should live by them too.


  1. I'll say Bryan, this writing is something I should've done when I went through it with my dad. I also told myself that if my Dad lost his hair, I would shave my head, and I'm a girl. He NEVER lost his hair.

    I'm there with you!! Fight for her, be strong for her.

  2. I too am there with you both! It is certainly going to be tough but with a positive attitude and all of this support, you cannot fail.

    This will all be over soon and like Sarah said, you will be able to live happy and better lives.

  3. I'm Sarah's uncle and I would say that if you pick a fight with Sarah, you better pack a lunch, better yet don't pack a lunch and don't pick a fight, because you're sure as hell gonna lose - hear that you piece of shit cancer cell? Let me repeat - You're gonna lose! Be relentless - I like it, I like it alot! Sarah, we're all pulling for you here in Atlanta! Love ya, Uncle John.
