Thursday, February 4, 2010

The girl behind the story...

Last entry I shared with you some insight from my wife on the battle she's facing. With this entry I figured I should tell you a bit about the girl herself. Looking at the list of subscribers, I can see that some of you may have never met her, so you probably don't know how special she is.

First things first. I should tell you how we met, because we love telling people the story. Sarah and I met way back in 1998. We literally bumped into each other at a concert -- well, she was pushed into me and I caught her -- and the rest is history. We've been together since then. I've learned a lot about her over the years. I know when she gets really excited she let's out this high pitch squeal, which is adorable. I also know that she has more shoes in her closet than I've ever had in my entire life so far. She's the best thing ever.

My nickname for her is Beans. In fact I rarely call her "Sarah," though her name is tattooed on my arm. She has an amazing smile and the cutest green eyes ever.

Sarah loves a lot of things. Not just me, but I like to think I'm up there on that list. She loves cats (we have three of them: Max, Tripper & Holden). She absolutely LOVES bacon. She loves shopping. She loves sleeping in. She loves her job and the people she works with. She loves her family & friends. She loves life. Like I said, she's the best thing ever.

Over the years she's even learned to love the things that I love. She started listening to the band Rush (whom prior to meeting me she wrote off as "dreadful"). She became a die hard Red Sox fan, we even went to Boston for a game on our honeymoon. In fact she follows all the sports teams that I'm a fan of. She's a Boston Bruins fan...well, she has a crush on Milan Lucic, but still she is a fan nonetheless.

No matter what she does in life, she has the most positive outlook. Whether it's trying to beat me in a game on Xbox 360 or achieving top results at her job, Sarah goes about it with the biggest smile on her face. And having cancer hasn't changed that. Her positive outlook is unwavering. Nothing has changed. She's a remarkable woman and I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have her in my life.

But above all this, she is...RELENTLESS!!!


  1. I must say this brought a smile to my face for the day

  2. Beans sounds like an extraordinary woman and the world is obviously a better place with her here.

  3. She sounds awesome and since I like u I know I would love her as well! You truely have what most people can only dream of a great love that nothing can break this was absolutly beautiful!
