Saturday, March 27, 2010

The thing about cancer...

Since being diagnosed with breast cancer Sarah has always tried to remain as positive as possible. Nothing seemed to bring her down. Every obstacle she's faced since that awful day in January, she's faced with an amazing sense of optimism.So, when chemotherapy began to take her hair she did the next logical step...shave it off.

I know it had to have been a difficult decision for her to make, but she was fed up with waking up in the morning and finding clumps of hair on her pillow. So when she asked me to do the deed, I went about it with the utmost care. I mean, its not like when I shave my brothers head and I can take certain liberties (like leaving his hair in a Mr. Burns style for hours before I finish shaving the rest). For Sarah, I had to be was an emotionally draining event for us both, but when it was all over Sarah actually was happy with the new 'do. I have to say, underneath all that hair, she has a great shaped head. Hair or no hair...I love my Beanz with all my heart.

I'll never fully understand what she's going through. I can only stand by her side and be strong for her. And that's the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
I can only hope that I'm being a supportive husband.

This cancer bullshit aggravates me. She's too young to have to go through this. But I know that she'll beat this. I know she will because she has the love and support of friends and family. I know she'll beat this because she's getting the proper care and treatment. I know she'll beat this because she's the strongest person I know. relentless.


  1. fight the good fight kick cancer!

  2. had a great day at lunch with sarah (hey sarah was your head shaved?? i didn't notice) thought she was just sportin a cool do-rag! i hope uncle gary & i weren't too boring for u lol..... love, aunt jackie

  3. Had another amazing time with Sarah again today. She brought their dog over and we took her around the block. The kids in the hood loves Bella. Love having a day off and spending it the greatest girl in the world. Love Linda
